A tough day in Big Sky. Kyle, Jen, Abby, Kurt and EJ Moser are all packing their cars, trucks, cases to leave Big Sky. It will be a quiet, sad house when this day ends. We've enjoyed having all the children and grandchildren around this summer. It was a whirlwind but I just LOVED getting to know each one better. No pics today just thoughts.
On a happier note...last night we began moving into the store's new offices above the market. BIG HIP HIP HURRAY to Papa, Kurt and Kiel Moser. They moved all the cables and hardware for or recent scanning system and all supporting hardware and software to the new site in under TWO HOURS and the system booted up and worked on the first try. MIRACLES DO OCCUR! I've never hooked up a PRINTER without a big hassle!
Steve will be bringing Kurt and EJ Moser to Provo for the new school year today so he's off today too. Oh yeah! We DID gain a housemember...Rocky! Chris dropped off Rocky last week to vacation in Big Sky until they get settled in Fort Collins. He's always happy to greet us in the morning...
Got to run...Breakfast at Huckleberry Cafe. I'll try ANYTHING to delay the departures an hour!